

“Empowerment Enhancement, Instrumental Display”–Zhenhengheng Power Participated in Business Etiquette Training

On July 25th, in order to improve the company’s professional ability and image quality in business reception, the company sent the representatives of Administration Department and Sales Department to participate in the business etiquette classroom training activity of “Empowerment Enhancement, Elegance” organized by Sichuan Xindu High-tech Industrial Park.
At the training site, Ms. Lin Rong, the main speaker, made every participant deeply appreciate the importance of etiquette through vivid explanation and interaction. The content of the training covered a variety of aspects, such as meeting reception, image quality and tour explanation, and comprehensively and in-depth explanation of the professionalism and communication skills in business occasions.

Business Etiquette Training (2)

The teacher emphasized that “etiquette is not only reflected by doing etiquette in activities, but can permeate every aspect of our lives.” She explained the core elements and practical application of etiquette in detail from the overview of etiquette, personal image, social etiquette, business etiquette and other dimensions.

Business Etiquette Training (1)

Through this training, we have a deeper understanding and mastery of business etiquette, this training will also be a good start, subsequent to the company will once again organize the relevant personnel to conduct standardized training in business etiquette, to more confident, professional and enthusiastic image to meet every business partner, to further enhance the image of the company, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the enterprise.

Business Etiquette Training (3)

Post time: Jul-26-2024

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